Friday 15 June 2012

Software Engineering and Computer Sciences

software engineering.

Hello guys here i wil tell u about Bsse and Bscs and difference between them and jobs etc.

Computer Science Or Bs(Cs):

                                      Computer science is concerned with theory and fundamentals.....
(1)Computer science theories are (currently?) insufficient to act as a complete underpinning for software engineering......
(2)computer science projects have open-ended budgets and schedules.....

(3)solutions created by Computer Scientists never change......
(4)computer scientists rely on mathematical principles to function.....

Software Engineering Or Bs(Cs):

                                           software engineering is concerned with the practicalities of developing and delivering useful software.......
(1)Software engineering projects have fixed budgets and schedules.....
(2)Software created by software engineers must evolve as user’s needs change.......
(3)Software engineers require domain knowledge to function......